DecaBox - RS232 to DMX and MIDI Simultaneously
Record & play back DMX data, transmit MIDI, and more, all with a simple RS-232 syntax.
Basic System Information
This firmware personality for the DecaBox receives RS-232 data and allows full control of a DMX...
System baud rate is 9600 8N1. That's 8 data bits, no parity, one stop bit. If testing with a P...
Send MIDI Data via RS-232
Overview Most MIDI messages are sequences of 2-3 8-bit bytes. The largest hurdle when integratin...
Build a DMX Scene Channel by Channel
DecaBox can receive RS-232 commands and use them to set specific channels to levels. The syntax l...
Toggle DMX Passthrough
Imagine this scenario: In an auditorium or small performance space, there is a Crestron / Contro...
DMX Record & Playback
The DecaBox can grab static (one-shot) DMX scenes or record continuous sequences at 44 frames per...
If you've landed here via a web search, don't already own one of these systems, but would like to...