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60 total results found

DMX Engines

Set Startup Scene & Timeout Delay

RS-232 DMX Engine Command Syntax

It may be useful for the DMX engine to auto-load a stored scene immediately after a power cycle. ...

Example: An RGB Stage Light

DecaBox MIDI to DMX Converter

Every lighting equipment manufacturer sets up their equipment in a slightly different way.  For t...

Step 4: Exit ‘MIDI Monitor’ and Drive the Lighting Equipment

DecaBox MIDI to DMX Converter

The DecaBox responds to Note, Program / Patch Change (PC) and Continuous Controller (CC) messages...

Step 3: Use MIDI Monitor Mode to Confirm Valid Data

DecaBox MIDI to DMX Converter

The MIDI monitor screen is several functions deep from the main run screen.  It can be accessed b...

Step 2: Set the DMX Equipment to a Known Start Address

DecaBox MIDI to DMX Converter

When we do telephone support, we often suggest setting the first lighting fixture to DMX channel ...

Step 1: Set the DecaBox to the Correct MIDI Channel

DecaBox MIDI to DMX Converter

In the MIDI world, there are 16 channels available.  Between 1 and 16 channels can be transmitted...

Quick Start

DecaBox MIDI to DMX Converter

How to Easily and Accurately Control DMX Lighting Gear From Your Existing MIDI Equipment Kick t...

Basic System Information

DecaBox MIDI to DMX Converter

This firmware personality for the DecaBox receives MIDI note and CC information on a user-speci...

Jog a Channel

RS-232 DMX Engine Command Syntax

Individual DMX channels may be jogged up and down. In this mode, it is not required to know the c...

Recall a Scene

RS-232 DMX Engine Command Syntax

Recalling a Stored Scene SXXX:TTT[cr] S is a capital S...

Store a Scene

RS-232 DMX Engine Command Syntax

Up to 63 DMX scenes may be saved in memory. A scene is a copy of the current DMX output buffer. T...

Build A Scene (A)

RS-232 DMX Engine Command Syntax

The A command allows new channel:value combinations to be stacked on the existing DMX output univ...

Build a New Scene (F)

RS-232 DMX Engine Command Syntax

Building a New Scene This command is useful but tricky. ANY CHANNEL not specifically called out ...


RS-232 DMX Engine Command Syntax

In the following pages, the text [cr] is used to represent a single data byte, the carriage retur...

DecaBox Protocol Conversion

This 10-connector system has become a world-standard for bridging between different communication...


DecaBox RS-232 MIDI Bidirectional Conve...

If you've landed here via a web search, don't already own one of these systems, but would like to...

Command Formatting & Syntax

DecaBox RS-232 MIDI Bidirectional Conve...

Build MIDI Messages One Byte at a Time‌ Most MIDI messages are sequences of ...


DecaBox RS-232 MIDI Bidirectional Conve...

Required connections are: DC 9V, 300 mA, center positive. This adapter is supplied with...


DecaBox RS-232 MIDI Bidirectional Conve...

This useful firmware revision was first commissioned by the production crew of a long-running (...

System Overview

RS-232 DMX Engine

The RS-232 DMX Engine is a self-contained DMX controller. It accepts simple, human-readable com...

Command Syntax

RS-232 DMX Engine

Here's how to talk with the box.

DecaBox - DMX to MIDI Conversion

Lighting consoles can easily control nearly any type of MIDI gear.

DecaBox - Field Programmable DMX to RS-232

Getting started & field troubleshooting.

DecaBox - RS232 to DMX and MIDI Simultaneously

Record & play back DMX data, transmit MIDI, and more, all with a simple RS-232 syntax.

DecaBox - Field Firmware Updating

Easier and faster than FedEx, usually.

DecaBox MIDI to DMX Converter

Simple, straightforward bridging between MIDI and lighting control.

DecaBox RS-232 MIDI Bidirectional Conversion

Dead simple interfacing between control systems and MIDI gear.

RS-232 DMX Engine

The Engineering Solutions RS-232 Driven Double DMX Engine

The Internal Dimming Engine

DecaBox MIDI to DMX Converter

It can be useful to slowly fade lights up and down.  One method to set this up in a sequencer is ...