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60 total results found

Drive the DMX Engine Using MIDI Continuous Controller (CC) Messages

DecaBox MIDI to DMX Converter

The Decabox also responds to MIDI CC messages.  These messages correspond to varying parameters i...

Set System Baud Rate

RS-232 DMX Engine Command Syntax

All standard RS-232 baud rates are supported. The change is stored in memory and naturally surviv...


DecaBox - RS232 to DMX and MIDI Simulta...

  System baud rate is 9600 8N1. That's 8 data bits, no parity, one stop bit. If testing with a P...

Basic System Information

DecaBox - RS232 to DMX and MIDI Simulta...

This firmware personality for the DecaBox receives RS-232 data and allows full control of a DMX...

Reflashing Firmware in the Field

DecaBox - Field Firmware Updating

DecaBox was designed to have different firmware personalities loaded in the field. The update p...

Case Study - A Series of Generic LED PARs from Asia

DecaBox MIDI to DMX Converter

  We've all seen this sort of light for ~$30 via the usual sources. A customer wanted to contr...


DecaBox MIDI to DMX Converter

If you've landed here via a web search, don't already own one of these systems, but would like to...


RS-232 DMX Engine

If you've landed here via a web search, don't already own one of these systems, but would like to...

Streaming Mode

RS-232 DMX Engine Command Syntax

In this mode, it’s possible to transmit data directly to the DMX output buffer, with a bare minim...

Software Reset

RS-232 DMX Engine Command Syntax

The result here is the same as if the box is power cycled. After a reset, the standard RS-232 'sp...


DecaBox MIDI to DMX Converter

If reading this document online, these links should be live and clickable: A good overview of ...

Clear all Channels

RS-232 DMX Engine Command Syntax

Pretty straightforward, this one. C for clear: C[cr] Alternately, '0' in the G command as as ch...

Automatic Color Wheel

RS-232 DMX Engine Command Syntax

This set of commands allows the DMX Engine to automatically cycle through an RGB color wheel, at ...

Query DMX Channel Values

RS-232 DMX Engine Command Syntax

Sometimes it's useful to check the state of DMX channels.. QXXX-YYY[cr] QA[cr] XXX has the...

Selectable DMX Output Speed

RS-232 DMX Engine Command Syntax

By default, the DMX engine transmits full-speed, full-frame DMX, and speeds close to the maximum ...

Group Command

RS-232 DMX Engine Command Syntax

If you're starting from scratch, most of the engine's functionality can be accessed through the G...


RS-232 DMX Engine

Based on a distillation of support telephone calls, we’ve collected common startup hurdles into a...

Drivers & Supported Platforms

RS-232 DMX Engine

Any control system with an RS-232 port can easily communicate with the DMX Engine. Over the years...

DMX-512 for Musicians: a Quick Analogy

DecaBox MIDI to DMX Converter

  Picture a wall of mailboxes in an apartment building or post office. The mail is delivered e...

Send MIDI Data via RS-232

DecaBox - RS232 to DMX and MIDI Simulta...

Overview Most MIDI messages are sequences of 2-3 8-bit bytes. The largest hurdle when integratin...